Drowing Peter

Rescue Story

It was December 2019. It was sunny and warm. But, I was in my car at Whole Foods parking lot and started crying saying “God, I feel like we are drowning.” That’s when God reminded me of the poster by Sight and Sound musical show about Jesus. His hand reaching to grab drowning Peter’s hand under the water.

The next day, I was reading my daily devotion without knowing what the topic would be for that day. It was about the rescue story above. Peter walking on the water and drowning. Jesus reaching out to save drowning Peter. Coincendence? I think not.

Furthermore, the Bible scripture chosen for that day’s devotion did not end there as most authors or speakers do. The scripture chosen went on to include what followed immediately after. About a crowd following Jesus trying to touch the edge of his cloak. Whoever touched it got healed.

What the enemy intended to harm us, God turned it for our good and rescued us because he loves us. We are beloved.

This is how my God often talked to me during my most challenging time in my life. My husband just got diagnosed with an aggressive cancer and we have been thrown into a whirlpool of medical journey. However, what the enemy intended to harm us, God turned it for our good and rescued us because he loves us. We are beloved.