
  • Outlook

    Vote or Not to Vote

    Vote or not to vote? That is a question. The year 2020 has been full of unexpected events on a personal and global level. Mainly health realted. It is easy to be frustrated with how the governement responded with COVID-19. Especially, with the mask policy – don’t even let me go there. But, that’s not why I am writing this blog. I need to focus 🙂 Like many people I know, I was not excited about this year’s presidential candidates either and I know some people feel discouraged to vote. Right to vote, so many of us in today’s society takes it for granted. Many people died fighting for that…

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  • Outlook


    How are adults supposed to be like? Serious, mature and responsible with life all the time? Really? When I was young, I thought when I turn 26 years old (I don’t know why I came up with the number 26 :), I would finally become an adult. Well, that did not happen. I can see some of you nodding your head 🙂 ). At that age, I was a young lady still trying to find my way and I hardly felt like an adult. Even in my early 50s, I still do not feel like a mature grown up (now you know my age). In my heart (or head), I…